Foot manipulation and mobilisation are specific methods of manual tecniques used by podiatrists to improve function of the foot, ankle and lower limb. By mobilising the soft tissue around poorly aligned or disfunctional structures of the foot, clinicians at Somerset Podiatry Clinic can target and influence joint  position and reduce muscle guarding. This can restore the way they work and bring relief to patients that suffer from pain, discomfort caused by biomechanical dysfunction, heel pain, chronic ankle strains, achilles tendon problems and much more.

Benefits of Foot Mobilisation

  • Identifies stiffness in joints  

  • Improves mobility and promotes increased range of motion  

  • Helps to break down adhesions and restrictions around the joint  

  • Improves muscle function of the foot and leg, by invigorating nerve messages sent from the brain to lower link muscles.

Conditions that Foot mobilisation can help with

  • Plantar heel pain/plantarfasciitis

  • Neuromas

  • MTSS

  • Cuboid syndrome

  • Hip/Knee/Back pain

  • Tight/weak calfs

  • Tendinopathy

  • Achilles

  • Shin splints

Put Your Feet In Our Caring Hands