Callus - id45303679 istock - 29-01-14  (pulled off site)

Plantar callosities are an area of hardened skin caused by an over-activity of the normal response of the skin where excessive shear and intermittent compressive stresses have been applied.

These stresses can be a result of inappropriate footwear, bony prominence’s and lifestyle factors such as occupation or sports and hobbies.

However some people have a natural tendency to form callus because of their skin type.

Corns are similar in their make up to a callus but much deeper into the layers of skin, making it much more painful – it may feel like you are walking on tiny stones.

Corns normally appear over bony prominence’s and the ball of the foot, but many people also experience corns on the tops of the toes if the toes are deformed in any way.

Elderly people have less fatty tissue in their skin and this can lead to callus forming on the ball of the foot, which if painful can lead to a risk of falling.

It is important to address the cause of the callus and corns to prevent re-occurrence, interventions may include orthotic devices, footwear education or felt padding to the ball of the foot which will benefit to compensate for any loss of natural padding.

Emollient creams delay callus building up, and help improve the skin’s natural elasticity. We will be able to advise you on the most appropriate skin preparations for your needs.

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