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Diabetes can affect your feet by reducing the blood flow to the extremities and causing a lack of sensation (neuropathy) often initially in the toes.

This is sometimes accompanied by a burning feeling (often at night) which is called painful peripheral neuropathy

If you experience these symptoms it is advisable to consult your Diabetic Clinic or

Podiatrist, since it is possible in many cases to alleviate the  symptoms

Our diabetic assessment consist of checking your ability to sense pressure, temperature and vibration as well as your circulation using a dopler.

You can reduce the risk of complications by checking your feet, hosiery and shoes daily. If there are signs of redness in any part of the foot or leg, or if the foot feels warmer than usual, this might indicate infection of inflammation, which needs prompt professional attention. Awareness of pain and injury may be diminished, so inspect the inside of your shoes daily for objects like nails or torn linings, which might cut the skin.

With your consent we will pass on your result to your GP.

Put your feet in safe hands