Ingrown Toenails

Involuted & Ingrown Nails

Involuted nails are usually a predisposition or nails that have been caused by significant trauma and if not treated correctly can lead to Ingrown toenails. Ingrown nails are extremely common, and occur when the edge of the toenail cuts into the soft surrounding skin. It mainly affects the big toes but can also affect the lesser toes and can occur on just one or both sides of your toe. Ingrown toe nails can cause a considerate amount of pain and discomfort and may become infected if not treated. There are several things that can cause, or contribute to an ingrown toenail:

  • Wearing ill-fitting shoes.

  • Cutting your toenails incorrectly or too short.

  • An injury or trauma to your toenail.

  • Fungal nail infections can thicken and distort your toenails.

  • If you're very sporty or active, you're more likely to get an ingrown toenail.

  • Joint deformities and arthritis.

  • Ingrown Toenails can often be hereditary.

Less severe cases can be conservatively managed by your Podiatrist either with or without a local anaesthetic. The podiatrist will lift the edge of your nail and cut away the ingrown section. If you're waiting for treatment from your podiatrist, you can relieve the pain and discomfort in the meantime by bathing your foot in warm, salty water. This will help to reduce the inflammation and prevent your nail from becoming infected. For the more severe of cases nail surgery may be suggested where the toe nail can either be partially or fully removed. This is something that Somerset Podiatry can perform for you.


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