Fungal Nail Infections are caused by microscopic organisms called dermophytes. .
The condition mostly affects the toenails and is more common in men than in women. .
The first signs of a fungal infection are usually a change in colour of the nail, usually white but as it progresses it can turn black, yellow or green with thickening of the nail plate.
Factors that can increase the risk of fungal infections are:
Shoes that cause the feet to become hot and sweaty
Consistent damage to the nail
Poor health such as diabetes and psoriasis.
Treatment by your Podiatrist
can take many months (12+) and
may include reduction of the nail plate using a drill which will improve the appearance by removing the superficial fungus or drilling a series of micro holes to allow the absorption of topical agent
Oral or topical anti-fungal agents may also be advised. Oral anti-fungal agents are only prescribed by your GP if you are a suitable candidate and may cause side effects. Topical treatments are available over the counter or from your Podiatrist who will also provide you with the correct information for good foot hygiene and prevention of the fungus returning.
HOWEVER here at SOMERSET PODIATRY we have the latest up to date innovative Low Level Laser therapy.